Monday, May 10, 2010

System Meltdown

I know it has been forever since I updated but its not entirely my fault this time! I went to update my blog about 2 weeks ago and I couldn't get my computer to turn on. Well, that's not true. It would turn on but the only thing it would show is the blue screen of death.... you know that one with all of the codes on it and that makes you panic. After 2 hours on the phone with Dell helpdesk, it was decided that my harddrive had died a very sad death and that chances are I was going to lose everything. I immediately packed my laptop off to Best Buy and the geeksquad where it spent nearly a week. Luckily, they were able to salvage my pictures and music files but it was not cheap : ( It was worth it to at least get my wedding and honeymoon pictures back. After that I had to wait a few more days for Dell to come and install my new harddrive, a few more days after that to reload all of my programs, and a few days after that I had completely forgotten I had a blog! Thanks to gran for telling my mom that I never update my blog who passed on the message to me to update it!

We have all sorts of exciting news but FIRST, I'll start with the news we got today. WE OFFICIALLY HAVE AN APARTMENT IN D.C.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Finding an apartment in D.C. is a little like playing a game. The communities list the specific apartments online at a price that varies by the day, sometimes by the hour. Each apartment is different so leasing agents have told us that the chances of finding one that meets all of our needs is extremely unlikely. We REALLY wanted an apartment with either 2 bedrooms or a bedroom and a den, a balcony for my dog, newer kitchen appliances, and a washer/dryer in the unit. We also wanted to live right on the metro line and not pay a million dollars. We've been watching the websites of our favorite communities but nothing that met all our needs UNTIL, we found a 1 bedroom, 1 den, 2 bathroom apartment on the 9th floor, 1 block from the metro, stainless steel appliances, a balcony, washer dryer in the unit, and just about our price level.... so we took it! We are going to be living in Pentagon City which is kind of an urban village area just across the street from the Pentagon! It will be super easy for us to ride the metro and everything is super close and within walking distance. I'm so excited!!!! It is starting to seem real that we are really moving. I'm sure the summer will fly by : )

So a funny story I've been dying to share : ) Caleb started working Facilities at the hotel with me about 3 weeks ago. His first night, we had a group of science olympics kids staying in the hotel. They were pretty much everything you imagine when you think of kids who are traveling to compete in a science olympics tournament. They also paid to have an armed police officer patrol our hotel all night to protect them... ya. Anyways, they were semi-obnoxious and demanding and on Caleb's first night, as he's sweeping down the lobby, two girls walked past him and muttered with disdain, "how pathetic!" Poor Caleb, if his self-esteem that he was working facilities at a hotel while working on his master's degree wasn't bad enough, that sure did. I've laughed REALLY hard about that. Overall, I think Caleb likes working the hotel alright. It's really fun when we get to work the same shift and are the only ones where, "the Osbornes run the Marriott."

Everything else is starting to wind down for the summer here. Caleb is done with school except for one last trip to New Orleans tomorrow for his capstone project. I am taking my econ final in the morning and will be done with the worst course in the history of life ever.... online macroeconomics from Blinn. Ick! Caleb graduates on Friday at 2pm and then he is free, he will have his Master's Degree! To celebrate, we are going to Dallas the next weekend to see the Cubs play the Rangers.

Well, I think this update is long enough and I need to count down my drawer and close out my shift so I can get out of here by 11. I PROMISE I will update more regularly (just for you Gran!)


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