Saturday, November 13, 2010

Happy November!

Wow, I can't believe how long it has been since I last updated! I thought things would slow down after midterms....and I was wrong! How can Thanksgiving only be 1 week away!? I can't believe it! Anyways, here is a brief update of what has been going on in DC the last 2 weeks!

1) Winter- It is officially COLD here. I don't like it. Not only is it cold, but it is windy, which only makes it worse. AND, now that daylight saving has hit, it gets dark at 5pm, no joke. Everyone has broken out their warm coats, scarves, etc. and all I can think about is where to go buy long-johns, hand warmers to put in my gloves and ear muffs. The worst part is that it is only November... I don't even want to think about what February is going to be like. Brrrr.

2) Thanksgiving- My parents are going on a cruise for Thanksgiving, which means that my brother and sister are coming to spend the holidays here! I'm super excited to see them and they haven't been to DC before! It's going to be a blast. Downside... I have to cook Thanksgiving dinner. I've already consulted my gran on how to properly cook everything- and she told me to not even bother attempting to cook a whole turkey, just buy a pre-made one..... which is great advice but I already have a 15 pound turkey in my freezer. I heard people talking about a "turkey shortage" so I claimed mine early! Usually, I'm a decent cook, but every now and again I have a flop (like tonight) and we just order Tasteful Delight Chinese from down the street. I don't think I can get away with that on Thanksgiving..... I DID practice our family potato recipe last weekend when our Sunday School class served at the homeless shelter. They seemed to love it, so that's a promising sign...

3) Christmas- I know it's a little early to be posting about Christmas, but it's just in the air up here. All the public places have put up Christmas trees, the square outside of our apartment built an ice-skating rink surrounded by Christmas lights and it "snows" every night there, and Starbucks has unveiled their red cups for the season. Besides that I'm miserably cold, at least it actually feels like Christmas season is coming!

4) Teaching- I must say that TA-ing has been a great opportunity this semester, especially because it paid, and I learned alot. The most important thing I've learned is that God did not intend me to be a teacher... ever.... I seriously have 0 patience. I'm sure Caleb is tired of me talking about particular students that I just want to kick in the face sometimes. I keep telling myself that it's just the end of the semester and everyone freaks out about their grades... it's  not about me. While they are (for the most part) great kids and I wish them all the best, I am very ready to never see them again. It is definitely time to move on.

5) Jobs- As it is now November, Caleb is officially applying for summer jobs/internships. The problem is that not all of them pay- and some are SUPER competitive, so extra prayers that God would open the right door would be great! I am also applying for Spring and Summer jobs/internship/volunteer opportunities.... that pay..... basically anything that isn't TA-ing. It would be nice to do something related to my school field, but we'll see.

6) Scarlett- She is LOVING the winter weather and has started growing her fall coat. When we leave the screen door open, she enjoys laying/sleeping in front of it while the wind blows on her. She was definitely made for the North. I can't wait til it starts snowing for her...

I feel like I am forgetting something important but I just can't think of it! Hm... well I promise to update better in the upcoming weeks. I'm sure there will be lots of fun things to report from Christmas season in DC!

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