Friday, December 3, 2010

Sister Time

Over Thanksgiving break, both my brother and sister got to come visit DC. Wade had to finish up finals and didn't make it until Tuesday night, but Grace got to spend an entire week in DC. I love being married, but I have to be honest and say that I LOVED having some girl time. While Grace was here, we shopped, shopped, shopped, rented and watched tons of Christmas/girly movies, baked, and even went ice skating!

It was EXTRA great that she was here on the day of my big internship interview because she could do my hair and tell me I was wearing the wrong shoes. Of course, I handed her the mousse when she asked for the hairspray to fix my hair, but it gave us a good laugh!

Shopping in DC over the holidays is INSANE! We got up at the crack of dawn on black friday to be the first in the shoe store. We waited in line over an hour in gap to get 50% off, grace got shoved down the escalator by crazy shoppers, and we even braved best buy....

One of my favorite things we did is go ice skating on the little rink they've built by our apartment. Of course the day we chose wasn't very cold, but for most of the time we were the only ones on the ice. Of course I let her talk me into doing "ice-skating tricks" and trying to take high school music pictures while on skates. Not only did I look ridiculous (while she looked awesome) but I took a wonderful crash and I STILL have a nasty bruise on my knee. Oh well, at least I gave her a good laugh.

 I obviously was not as graceful as her on skates....

 I still don't know how she did this....

 Yes, I realize how ridiculous I look in this picture....

I love this last picture of us. I really had a WONDERFUL week in DC with Grace. I've really missed spending time with her since we moved. I hope we get more chances to hang out and to bribe her to come back, I'll even take her back to the chocolate restaurant! And yes, it is exactly as it sounds : ) Thanks for spending your Thanksgiving break with me Grace! I hope you had as good of a time as I did. (ps- Caleb says he misses you too.... and Scarlett!)

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