We had quite a weekend around here. Friday night our Sunday school class had an outing to the Nats game. It was the Battle of the Beltways (lame I know) so we watched the Nats play the Orioles. The weather looked like it might be a bit rough so we decided to drive into town and paid $5 to park under the highway about 1/2 a mile from the field. We hadn't gone 10 steps when it started to sprinkle a little. Little did we know that this was a sign of very bad things to come...
We met up with the other 10 couples outside of the gates and then it definitely started raining so we ran in and took cover. Our 7:05 game was immediately moved to 8:05 so we decided to head up to the top deck where are seats were. Everything was good until we got halfway up the open escalator and the sky opened up. We are talking MONSOONING! It was ridiculous. I was able to snap a pic of the rain and the rainbow that followed it, but we both looked like drowned rats and the humidity and my hair.... well we just won't go there.... so needless to say we do not have pics of ourselves.
We actually had a great time at the game. It started raining a bit more in the 2nd inning so half of the group left and it was down to about 5 couples.... the REAL baseball fans. The game was really back and forth, and besides the drunk minors sitting next to us, we really enjoyed it. But, since it was delayed, it was already 11 oclock by the time we hit the 7th inning stretch and since we had driven into town, we decided it was time to head out. Luckily the Nats had the game in hand : )
Saturday we bummed around the house for most of the day. The weather changes really gave my sinuses some trouble. Saturday night our Sunday School class reconvened to serve dinner at the homeless shelter. I had volunteered to bring 2 veggies, so I made 15 pounds of baked beans and 15 pounds of green beans. That is ALOT of veggies. We were running a tad behind when it was time to leave so I basically threw on my denim shorts, a shirt, my sandals and put my hair half back and Caleb had on khaki shorts and a polo. We get to the shelter, walk up to the door with our tubs of food, and when we said we were there to serve food, he gave us a funny look and asked us if we were residents. Ouch. Needless to say I will not be going out without makeup on again for awhile.... Luckily we did not run out of food this time and really had a good time serving with our friends.
Now this is where our weekend turned. Our original plan was to go to church and then I've been dying to go try out a local farmer's market in Dupont Circle. Scarlett had other plans. She had been messing with one of her feet since we got back from her attack at the dog park. Saturday night about midnight we got a good look at her foot and it was REALLY red and looked awful. We decided to try some neosporin and pre-wrap, but she just could not leave it alone. I think we both fell asleep about 4:45 that morning, which meant no church and definitely no farmer's market. So, unfortunately, we spent most of our Sunday in pretty grumpy moods, all three of us.
Don't worry, I remembered to call my dad! Although I was pretty bummed that my present didn't make it to Dallas in time. So I know that everybody says this, but I REALLY do have the best dad in the whole world. I'll admit it, I'm totally a daddy's girl, and this last year has been incredibly hard being 1500 miles away from my dad. I have so many great memories - from watching sports together (any sport, you name it!), going to games together, having him coach my teams, supporting me in the stands, helping me study, teaching me the importance of budgeting, our big trip across the states, lunch dates together when I worked at Crossmark, ski trips, giving me support and advice on anything whenever I need it, walking me down the aisle and dancing with me on my wedding night. He has always been there for me, no matter what. Even living far away, I know that he is always just a phone call away, whether that be for advice, comfort, or to celebrate the Dallas Mavs together! I love my dad so much and I am so glad that God blessed me to have him as my dad.
This has also been a special year because I have really gotten to know my father in law, who my nieces and nephews call Papa Jim! I don't know if I have ever met anyone with a bigger heart than Papa Jim. He cares so much for the whole family and would do anything for anybody. It is so nice to feel so loved and to know that there is someone praying for me all the time! I have loved having a father in law and could not imagine having a better one! I'm so lucky!
So that is our crazy weekend! I am really enjoying a low key week, in fact, it is my last free week because I start my internship on Monday! Yay!!!!! More on this later. Your update on Scarlett's foot, I took her to the vet today and after shaving her paw they decided that she had a trauma wound, most likely from the attack at the dog park last week. Luckily some benadryl, antibiotics and neosporin will fix her up in a few days! Well that's all I've got for now. Check back later... we have something really fun planned for the weekend!
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