Another difference between me and Caleb that I failed to mention in the last post, is that we have extremely different tastes in music. He likes country. I like rock. We each used to have completely different stations that we insisted on fighting over in the car to the point that we just rode in silence and stewed in our frustration... The last two years have been rough music years for our commuting. When I have to listen to the country station, I just get sad and depressed and sleepy which drives Caleb insane. When I have my rock station on, he complains about the lack of variety and throws a tantrum anytime they play a Doors song.
GOOD NEWS!!!! As of about 3 months ago, we have a new station. One that we both love. And, of course, it plays modern hits. Music we should actually both like, and we do. But beyond the music, I think our favorite part of the station is the morning show during our commute. Its called the Jack Diamond Morning Show. And its awesome. They talk about all sorts of random stuff. This morning it was whether people had a special coffee mug that they got mad if anyone else uses. Yesterday they asked whether it was okay to defriend or block your spouse on Facebook if they were being annoying. These are tough questions that need to be answered!!! The best part of the program is when people call in to discuss these various topics. They are hilarious and weird.
Luckily, Friday is the one morning a week you get to call in and brag or talk about something awesome you are looking forward to. We often find ourselves yelling at the radio for them to pull the plug and move on to the next freak. [Side note - we are not as judgmental as this makes us sound - some of these people are legitimately crazy]. The best part is that the people who host the show (Jack - of course, Brooke, Aly and some guy named Spanky whose real name is Fernando?) are actually nice to these weirdos. They do everything from dating advice to social media. We actually debated this morning thinking something up completely crazy and ridiculous and calling in ourselves - we have until next Friday, so we are definitely open to suggestions.
We also die laughing at some of the sponsorships they have on the show. Best one: the No-No Hair Removal System. That's right. That's a real thing. On their website it says, "Spend less time removing hair and more time doing the things you love!" Seriously - how much time do people spend removing hair? Don't answer that...
This is what one looks like. If I told you that cost $250 would you be shocked? Oh, and don't forget all the awesome accessories it comes with! The station suggests many other products, including diet systems and bras that they swear will change your life.
Oh, I almost forgot this week's special entertainment -they did a wedding in a week! We got to go on their website and vote for a couple and then the winning couple had 1 week to plan their wedding and get married on the air, which they did yesterday morning. The listeners got to vote on her dress, the cake, hair and make-up, flowers, food, everything! Can you imagine getting married on a radio station? Would you ever do it?
It was at the point of the show yesterday when our car got really quiet while we listened to this couple's vows that it suddenly struck me. We are old! If you told me when I was 16 that one day I would look forward to my husband and I get in the car early every morning and spending an hour listening to a talk show - one that may or may not feature on-air weddings and hair removal systems, I would have laughed in your face. But its true.
It has completely changed our car-riding together. We don't fight over radio stations, we laugh, we talk. Jack Diamond has completely revolutionized our commute. Although I must say, there is nothing more devastating than looking up what these radio personalities look like and having that image not match up with what you have always thought they looked like. The two girls are lovely as expected. There is no mention of anyone named Spanky on their site which makes his character even more questionable. And then there is Jack. I'm not sure what I thought he looked like, but I had no idea he was Guy Fieri's doppleganger. I mean seriously... they could be twins!
So a huge shout out to Guy Fieri...I mean Jack Diamond... and the Morning Gang for keeping Caleb and I from being at each others' throats from approximately 8:15-9:15 every morning and reminding me that I'm not as young as I used to be.
On a sappier/weirder note. This radio station is also trying to reach out and give me and Caleb a cosmic message. I know that sounds spooky and sci-fi ish, but its true! Whenever we get into the car and right before we pull into our garage, the same song plays. When we get in the car after work and cross the Memorial Bridge, it plays. If one of us is a little down and need cheering up, it plays. We call it our "jam." Although its not really a jamming song, it is good. You remember that song that played every time women's gymnastics came on during the Olympics in London. "Home" by Philip Phillips of American Idol. Yup, that's the one. That's our jam these days. And here is why I think the song is trying to tell us something. Over the last few months, its become pretty clear to Caleb and I that DC is going to be home for us for awhile. When we first moved up here 3 years ago, we didn't know if after school we'd move back, move somewhere else, or what the future held. But, we've finally settled in and decided that, for now, this is home. Now, here is what that song says:
GOOD NEWS!!!! As of about 3 months ago, we have a new station. One that we both love. And, of course, it plays modern hits. Music we should actually both like, and we do. But beyond the music, I think our favorite part of the station is the morning show during our commute. Its called the Jack Diamond Morning Show. And its awesome. They talk about all sorts of random stuff. This morning it was whether people had a special coffee mug that they got mad if anyone else uses. Yesterday they asked whether it was okay to defriend or block your spouse on Facebook if they were being annoying. These are tough questions that need to be answered!!! The best part of the program is when people call in to discuss these various topics. They are hilarious and weird.
Luckily, Friday is the one morning a week you get to call in and brag or talk about something awesome you are looking forward to. We often find ourselves yelling at the radio for them to pull the plug and move on to the next freak. [Side note - we are not as judgmental as this makes us sound - some of these people are legitimately crazy]. The best part is that the people who host the show (Jack - of course, Brooke, Aly and some guy named Spanky whose real name is Fernando?) are actually nice to these weirdos. They do everything from dating advice to social media. We actually debated this morning thinking something up completely crazy and ridiculous and calling in ourselves - we have until next Friday, so we are definitely open to suggestions.
We also die laughing at some of the sponsorships they have on the show. Best one: the No-No Hair Removal System. That's right. That's a real thing. On their website it says, "Spend less time removing hair and more time doing the things you love!" Seriously - how much time do people spend removing hair? Don't answer that...

Oh, I almost forgot this week's special entertainment -they did a wedding in a week! We got to go on their website and vote for a couple and then the winning couple had 1 week to plan their wedding and get married on the air, which they did yesterday morning. The listeners got to vote on her dress, the cake, hair and make-up, flowers, food, everything! Can you imagine getting married on a radio station? Would you ever do it?
It was at the point of the show yesterday when our car got really quiet while we listened to this couple's vows that it suddenly struck me. We are old! If you told me when I was 16 that one day I would look forward to my husband and I get in the car early every morning and spending an hour listening to a talk show - one that may or may not feature on-air weddings and hair removal systems, I would have laughed in your face. But its true.
It has completely changed our car-riding together. We don't fight over radio stations, we laugh, we talk. Jack Diamond has completely revolutionized our commute. Although I must say, there is nothing more devastating than looking up what these radio personalities look like and having that image not match up with what you have always thought they looked like. The two girls are lovely as expected. There is no mention of anyone named Spanky on their site which makes his character even more questionable. And then there is Jack. I'm not sure what I thought he looked like, but I had no idea he was Guy Fieri's doppleganger. I mean seriously... they could be twins!
Jack Diamond
Guy Fieri
So a huge shout out to Guy Fieri...I mean Jack Diamond... and the Morning Gang for keeping Caleb and I from being at each others' throats from approximately 8:15-9:15 every morning and reminding me that I'm not as young as I used to be.
On a sappier/weirder note. This radio station is also trying to reach out and give me and Caleb a cosmic message. I know that sounds spooky and sci-fi ish, but its true! Whenever we get into the car and right before we pull into our garage, the same song plays. When we get in the car after work and cross the Memorial Bridge, it plays. If one of us is a little down and need cheering up, it plays. We call it our "jam." Although its not really a jamming song, it is good. You remember that song that played every time women's gymnastics came on during the Olympics in London. "Home" by Philip Phillips of American Idol. Yup, that's the one. That's our jam these days. And here is why I think the song is trying to tell us something. Over the last few months, its become pretty clear to Caleb and I that DC is going to be home for us for awhile. When we first moved up here 3 years ago, we didn't know if after school we'd move back, move somewhere else, or what the future held. But, we've finally settled in and decided that, for now, this is home. Now, here is what that song says:
Hold on, to me as we go
As we roll down this unfamiliar road
And although this wave is stringing us along
Just know you’re not alone
Cause I’m going to make this place your home
Settle down, it'll all be clear
Don't pay no mind to the demons
They fill you with fear
The trouble it might drag you down
If you get lost, you can always be found
Just know you’re not alone
Cause I’m going to make this place your home
As we roll down this unfamiliar road
And although this wave is stringing us along
Just know you’re not alone
Cause I’m going to make this place your home
Settle down, it'll all be clear
Don't pay no mind to the demons
They fill you with fear
The trouble it might drag you down
If you get lost, you can always be found
Just know you’re not alone
Cause I’m going to make this place your home
Corny? Yes. But absolutely true. Until next time, stay warm, we are buckling down for our second snow this week!!!
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