Friday, June 10, 2011

Pet Salon Tragedy!

So I know everyone is expecting the last blog update on my Georgia trip, but something came up... I promise the last Georgia update by the end of the weekend.

When I got home from my trip, it was very clear that it was time for Scarlett to get a haircut. We try to wait as long as possible between grooms, but usually she can only go 6-8 weeks. When I got home on Sunday, not only was her fur ridiculously long, but she stunk. So..... I made an appointment for her to get groomed on Thursday. Caleb has been pushing me to shave her, but I just don't have the heart. I love her fur.

But... by Thursday we had already had 3 days worth of 100+ degree weather. I decided that I would let them take off a little bit more than usual. This is where the story goes downhill...

When I handed her to the groomer, we talked, like usual, about how much fur to take off. I told her we wanted to take a bit more off than usual since it was so hot. So we started talking numbers, 1/2 and inch, 1 whole inch. We went back and forth and I finally said. Okay, how about 1/2 an inch (thinking in my mind that we were still talking about how much TO TAKE OFF) So, I left her at the pet salon and went on with me day.

When I arrived back at the pet salon at 3:45, I was SHOCKED by what I found. Apparently somewhere in my conversation with the groomer, we had stopped talking about how much to take off and and how long her actual fur would be. So.... her fur was only 1/2 an inch long! When they brought her back to me, I thought they were handing me a cat. She looked ridiculous! After feeling so bad that I bought her some treats, we headed home. I spent the first 15 minutes of our car ride home laughing and asking her where her fur went, but then that laughter turned to tears. My poor furry dog!!!! The only good thing is that it will grow back... eventually. We are taking bets if you want in - Caleb has 2 week, Grace has 4 weeks, and I have 8 weeks.

It's been a little weird because our nickname for her is the fluff, but there isn't much fluffy about her anymore. So now we just call her naked, or naked fluff. While she initially LOVED her haircut yesterday and spent most of the afternoon sleeping on top of the air conditioner, she woke up this morning in a very different mood. You know how you love your haircut when you first get it, but when you wake up the next morning and realize you're stuck with it, you have a bit of remorse? My dog is going through that. She has spent most of the day either in bed or trying to hide in the couch. I'm not sure whether to laugh or to cry. Oh well, lately Scarlett has been a bit high and mighty, and this seems to have knocked her down a few notches, so maybe it's a good thing long term.

Before I post pictures of her new look, keep in mind that this is what she looked like in the month of May (so she was even furrier).....

And now..... for the moment of truth.... I give you........ NAKED FLUFF!!!!!! (don't laugh too hard)

1 comment:

  1. Aww! I can tell how much you prefer for her to have more fur and be fluffy, but she is absolutely precious as a naked fluff :) hehe! I bet after a few more days of summer she'll like it more!
