Saturday, October 9, 2010

Blog Hiatus

My apologies to my avid blog followers for my extended absence. It has been a busy couple of weeks and I just have not had time to devote to my blog. School has been incredibly busy, so there hasn't been very much blog-worthy material to write about.

However, on Sept. 28th I did get a year older. I'm not willing to admit on the worldwide web my new age, but I am a year older. We had as big of a celebration as we could on a schoolday.

It is a family tradition that on your birthday, you get to pick the meals and everyone eats together. Since Caleb had class at 8:55, I decided to forego breakfast and sleep in. For lunch, we met at our favorite burger place, Good Stuff Eatery, down by the capital. It is the restaurant run by the Top Chef show contestant, Spike. Here is a picture of our delicious lunch

It was delicious! AND..... I got the best birthday gift ever. Every time we go to Good Stuff Eatery, I always hope and pray that maybe Spike will be there. As we walked up to the restaurant on my birthday, I told Caleb that maybe he would be there today... for my birthday. We got in, ordered our food, but there was no sign of him. As we were finishing up our burgers, around the corner, came Spike! It was unbelievable! I was too nervous to ask him for a picture at first, but some other ladies asked him so I waited my turn. Not only did he let me take a picture with him, but he even wished me a happy birthday!!!!  Here is my picture with Spike

After lunch, unfortunately I had to go to school. The film class I TA for was watching Charlie Wilson's War that day so I decided to bring cookies for the class. One girl told me she thought it was sad that I had to bring cookies on my own birthday. Like I told her, I consider my birthday a national holiday, meaning that the entire world should be celebrating. Therefore, if I have to bring cookies to ensure that they celebrate my birthday properly, so be it.

Then, I had to go to my own class which didn't get out until 9:15 that night. Since everything in our neighborhood closes early, we decided to stay and have dinner at an Italian restaurant on campus.
After dinner, we went home and when we walked in, this is what I found!

So sweet! I had a WONDERFUL birthday! Thank you to everyone who made my day so great!

The next day, back to reality.... Midterm season has begun! I have been crazed between my own reading, grading papers, applying for spring and summer jobs, etc. Plus, it is getting cold outside. If you know me, you know that I HATE being cold. When it dips below 80 degrees, I put on my jacket. It's going to be a long, cold winter.... luckily, my mom has knit me some mittens and I got 3 scarves for my birthday!

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